God damn dirty hippies


I have to stop talking politics w/ hippies. It's such a waste of time (and so infuriating!). No information is valid since it comes from "biased" sources. Apparently NPR, the BBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and everything else that's "corporate" is just a tool of the government. Oh, and our government is apparently very oppressive (fascist perhaps?) and lies to us about everything. The only legitimate sources are zines put out by small activist groups w/ few credentials. Oh, and Noam Chomsky.

Of course, all the media is owned by a small group of (Jewish) capitalists who lie to us in order to promote our support for Israel and the exploitation of poor countries. Wait, isn't that antisemitism? Well, apparently racism isn't bad if it's against Jews.

And since facts are irrelevant, the suffering of the Iraqi peole is our fault, not Hussein's. Even though he started the war against Kuwait ten years ago. Even though he's a brutal dictator. Even though he recently built multi-million dollar palaces (such as the Mother of All Battles Mosque) while his people suffer from the economic embargo.

Still, the per capita income hovers around $2,500 per year, which is pretty high. It's higher than Egypt, Iran, Jordan, and Syria (not to mention most of the third world). If people are starving in Iraq, I doubt it's only due to our policies.

I'm not necessarily in favor of war w/ Iraq. But I'm not naïve enough to think that there's no legitimate reason to go to war w/ Iraq. It's a horrible regime and should be opposed. Bush's reasons for going to war may not be the best, but that doesn't mean that there aren't good reasons — good liberal reasons — for attacking Iraq. I can't be a pacifist; there are things worth fighting for.

And while I think there are very good reasons to oppose a war w/ Iraq, I don't like the "another family for peace" yard signs. Just because someone doesn't oppose our current Iraq policy doesn't mean they're opposed to peace. I want peace just as much as the next guy. But I don't think ignoring a brutal regime that has weapons of mass destruction and clear links to international terrorism promotes peace. Plus, I think peace is worth more than a $5 yard sign.

Posted by Miguel at 01:03 PM