Winter Brr


This morning was frigid. I'm going to call my landlord and see if I can get more heat in my apartment. It's so cold, I have to wear a sweater in my own home. I'd rather be able to wear a t-shirt and still be comfy. The walk to the bus stop in the morning doesn't help much, either.

I'm still fighting w/ Network Solutions. Apparently, they refused to transfer my domain ownership over to Fat Cow. I hate calling them; I end up on hold for at least an hour and end up getting nothing done. And now that I've cancelled my EarthLink account, the old email address they have on file won't work. I really wish Network Solutions would have better customer service. Both EarthLink and Fat Cow have been great.

Last night some friends gathered in Dan's apartment to watch Joe Millionaire on FOX. If you haven't seen this show, you should. It's hillariously entertaining, in that trashy you-know-you-shouldn't-but-you-just-can't-help-it sort of way.

Tonight, we're watching The Shield on FX. It's the grittiest, most in-your-face cop show ever. The best part is that the same actor who played the mild-mannered police chief on "The Commish" (Michael Chiklis) plays Detective Vince Mackey, the dirtiest rogue cop you've ever seen. In the first episode, Mackey shot another cop in the face at point blank range just because he was an internal affairs narc. Brutal.

Posted by Miguel at 12:47 PM


While sitting in this quiet cafe I'm punching the comuter screen in a jealous rage; hows that for in your face grittiness.

Posted by: bil at January 15, 2003 10:57 AM

"in that trashy you-know-you-shouldn't-but-you-just-can't-help-it sort of way"

Miguel, are you familiar with the new newspaper war going on in Chicago? The Tribune released it's new publication "Red Streak" geared towards the twenty-something market. The Sun Times, the same week, released their "Red Eye". Similar marketing, same crap content. I can't hardly tell them apart, but one of them uses that type of discriptor as advertising: 'news in that trashy you-know-you-shouldn't-but-you-just-can't-help-it sort of way' (or somethign like that). Both papers are insulting to their targeted audiences intelligence. But since they're new and competing, they're giving them away for free, so everymorning there is at least 5 people reading one of them per car on the El. They're both total trash. Entertainment news and gossip. A new generation of newspaper aisle tabloids.

They're trying to challenge the "Chicago Reader"s readership. But the Chicago Reader is totally relevant, usefull, tastefull, and helpfull to Chicagoans, and is free. The new tabloids are crap (have I already said that?) and they're asking 25cents.

Someone I work with (a very liberal mided person) says that the Tribune is too republican based. Have you found this to be true?

Posted by: vanessa at January 16, 2003 10:53 PM

I've not read much of The Tribune to know one way or the other. Most newspapers lean a bit one way or the other. But most are also pretty fair (or at least try to). My experience has been that most people who complain about a general newspaper's bias are overly biased themselves and would only think a paper that was very clearly taking their position was "fair". The only publications that take very clear positions are magazines like Mother Jones, The Nations, New Republic, and other such magazines. They also usually tell you upfront what their position is (usually somewhere in the masthead). I'll start reading their online version to see what I think and let you know. But I usually only read The New York Times.

Posted by: miguel at January 16, 2003 10:59 PM