Yes is not an answer


I awoke today to the thundering sound of destruction. The apartment upstairs is being gutted (the fridge and stove were tossed out yesterday) for remodeling. Granted, the work was during "regular" hours. Still, who wants to spend time in an apartment that's booming w/ the sound of sledgehammers and crashing. My poor cats were freaking out and looked forlorn as I hurriedly dressed and abandoned them.

I'm at The Space, listening to NPR, and slinging coffee. Unfortunately, it's not busy (only in spurts) and the tips today are piss poor. It's also snowing, sleeting, hailing outside (depending on the moment).

I keep encountering two of my barista pet peeves today: 1) Don't mumble when you order something; speak up. 2) "Yes" is never the correct answer to the question "do you want whole or skim milk?" (or any other this-or-that question). Please keep these two things in mind.

Posted by Miguel at 03:31 PM


I know how you feel. I work at a movie theater and we used to butter popcorn (they do it themselves now). You know how many stupid looks I used to get from a simple question like, "Do you want butter on your popcorn?" or "What do you want to drink?" People it's not that hard of a question!

Posted by: Kara at February 5, 2003 11:29 AM