My cats lose a litter box


I've just rearranged my life. My desk and TV are in my bedroom, consolidating most of my furniture into one room. I've also put my bed frame back together. I learned that I'm too old to sleep w/ just a mattress on the floor (which reminds me, I've not seen my chiropractor in a while).

I'm throwing out the black leather couch. I hope Vanessa doesn't mind (it used to belong to her). But, apparently, my cats use it as a litter box. It reeks. My living room and dining room are going to be bare and empty. Yes! I love wide open, empty spaces. And it really makes the wood floors stand out.

If any of you interior design types have any advice on how to rearrange the remaining pieces of furniture, let me know. I might also be getting rid of a dresser. Almost everything must go!

Posted by Miguel at 07:27 PM


Good Riddance!!!! That couch was the red-headed stepchild of a red-headed stepchild (god, i'm one of those). You know, I have no idea of that couch's providance since it left my parkmont address years ago. It could have been some neo-natzi's urine for all we know. You remember the scene in 'the Royal Tanenbaums' where they show Margo's secret past in snapshots? I think I saw that couch in one of those shots.

Enjoy your neutral smelling apartment. And say 'hi' to the girls for me.

Posted by: vanessa at February 2, 2003 10:50 PM