What would Camus do?


More French "multilateralism" (from Reuters) after the EU meeting that decided to present Iraq w/ an utlimatum:

Chirac's outburst, branding the candidates ill-behaved and reckless for siding with Washington, drew reactions ranging from scorn to polite disdain from east European leaders invited to Brussels for a briefing on the EU emergency summit.

At a late-night news conference on Monday, Chirac said the 13 should have consulted the EU before issuing their joint letters and they had "missed a great opportunity to shut up." He also said Romania and Bulgaria had jeopardized their chances of joining the EU by joining the pro-American camp.

Czech Foreign Minister Cyril Svoboda retorted: "We are not joining the EU so we can sit and shut up."

Romanian President Ion Iliescu asked whether France and Germany had asked anyone's permission before issuing their own joint anti-war statement last month, which unleashed a wave of pro-American letter-signing by other European governments.

Anti-war belligerence from states that don't recognize the inherent right of other states to pursue a different foreign policy is downright despicable. Are these the guys w/ the moral high ground?

Also, Matt Welch has an amazing column in The National Post speculating on Bush's realpolitik game. He argues that Bush might know exactly what he's doing and is playing a very close poker hand.

Samizdata has a good objectivist critique of American hegemony. The question is -- considering all other options -- would it really be so bad?

Finally, Robert Fisk has an amusing column in the UK's Independent. He's upset that Arab leaders aren't protesting America's policy (the Arab League half-heartedly endorsed it) and that a meager 600 protested in Egypt.

Posted by Miguel at 01:07 PM


Snow anyone?

Sorry, I wanted to show you all the snow we got! No work today.. again. We're still in a state of emergency!

Posted by: Andres at February 18, 2003 02:40 PM

The National Post article isn't online anymore.

Posted by: Stephanie at March 14, 2003 10:51 PM

According to their FAQ, the National Post only keeps archives of stories for 14 days. Sorry.

Posted by: Miguel at March 15, 2003 03:37 AM