Powell-Rice 2004


I made considerable progress on my dissertation today; that makes me excited. I'm not done w/ the polished writing part -- but it'll amount to a solid 3-4 pages of single-spaced text. Not too bad. Essentially, I found a good way to embed my case study of Bolivia into the regional and theoretical literature while also tying it into my four major hypotheses. I'm a dork, I know (and tons of caffeine doesn't help any). But I'm very excited. I'd just gotten over my writer's block when I had to drop everything to grade a ton of papers and exams. But now I'm back!

Friday, I promise to plow through the Bolivian news (I downloaded tons of it) and write up something comprehensive on the current situation. The bottom line: Things are back to normal and, while still tense, a political solution is developing. Essentially, the cabinet resigned and will be replaced by a new cabinet w/ a complete restructuring of the executive bureaucracy. I'm especially curious to see how the coalition structure changes (if it does).

Be on the lookout also for interesting Security Council news. Hans Blix is no longer pleased w/ Iraq. Cooperation w/ the UN inspectors has ceased since last week. If Hussein wants to avoid war, he's going about it all wrong. He dropped the ball. Then again, the US just dropped the ball, too. Bush is being hard-nosed w/ Turkey. It might not be crucial, but Bush should know better.

Which brings up an interesting point. I was talking to Bay and some others at The Space earlier about a recently published biography of Condoleezza Rice. We all love Condi. I think she should get on the 2004 ticket. Which got me thinking: Wouldn't a Powell-Rice ticket be great?!

I'm no Republican (I voted Socialist last election), but I think they'd make an amazing team. Colin Powell is very intelligent, respected, and diplomatic. He's been the shining moderate star in the Bush cabinet (he's no Texan cowboy). Condi would be a great VP candidate -- their job is usually to hawkishly attack the other candidates and stand their ground -- and she'd be a great active vice president (like Al Gore, except w/ charisma). That woman is the perfect combination of power and class. Is the US ready for a black president and a black female vice president? I don't know. But I'd follow those two w/ great admiration and respect.

Posted by Miguel at 12:23 AM


Great news on the dissertation progress!!! I remember how hard it has been at times to write for my thesis, so I do understand what your situation is. Hope you can keep it up.

Posted by: Melli at February 20, 2003 01:08 AM

I'm pretty sure Powell has sworn off any presidency or vice-presidency. Condi could help anyone's ticket as a vp. What an odd pairing Bush-Rice would be though.

Posted by: bil at February 20, 2003 07:14 AM