
For those that still think this is a religious war against Muslims. This, from the BBC:

On Friday however, at 0430 (0130 GMT), in the minutes before the desert dawn, the voice of the Imam rang out.

What Saddam's Baath party had forbidden, the British Army had restored.

The townspeople, whose mosque was destroyed years ago, prayed in the privacy of their own homes.

But instead of their worship being a secret and dangerous thing, it was freely performed with new joy.

The 1st Battalion Royal Irish secured a public address system for the Imam and men from their attached Royal, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers installed it on Thursday night in time for Friday prayers.

Posted by Miguel at 11:19 AM


What about those of us who think that this war is still, in the end, all about oil? Any little nuggets of joy on that one?

Posted by: Eric at April 8, 2003 03:20 PM

Well, I agree that war is partially about oil. Sure, granted. But I don't think it's only about oil. But. Let's assume that it is. Let's assume the all the rhetoric about liberating the Iraqi people from an oppressive, brutal regime is just a cover for a war over oil. What about the consequence that the Iraqi people will still end up able to decide their own fate and create a new (and hopefully democratic) government?

I guess it comes to this question: If a person performs a moral act for immoral reasons, do we still oppose the moral act?

Keep in mind that the UN-sponsored "oil for food" program skimmed 25% off the top. That's higher than any oil contract I've ever heard of. Not to mention that the rest of the 75% mostly went to Hussein's palaces.

Posted by: miguel at April 8, 2003 05:01 PM

Seems to me that the oil is being misappropriated. I think we should just take it; I don't know those Iraqis. On the other hand, since we insist on letting them keep it, I think it only fair that we invite them into the world economy by buying it (at low low prices!) from them.


Posted by: Micah at April 9, 2003 06:16 PM

Um, no. The Iraqis should sell that oil at a proper price to whoever they want.

Posted by: miguel at April 9, 2003 06:30 PM

Naw. Who sez?



Posted by: Micah at April 9, 2003 07:19 PM

Thought this was the start of the war against Muslims. Never did I expect Saddam repressed religious worship... wow. Ok, I concede. i was wrong.

Posted by: Steph at April 11, 2003 10:20 AM