I hate doctors


The Fulbright people are pretty demanding. In order the get my thousands of dollars, I have to go through a list of paperwork. I went in for my doctor's appointment today. I thought it'd be a routine physical — just to make sure I'm generally healthy. Nope.

I've got a battery of tests to go through. And I'll probably need another battery of vaccines: Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Rabies, Typhoid, Yellow fever. Yikes.

The worst part is, I don't really have any medical records. I hate needles and doctors. And I'm very rarely sick. So I hardly ever go. That means no vaccines for the last dozen plus years.

For years, I've travelled throughout Latin America w/ no vaccines and no medication. I travel back roads, eat local food, even ice cream from street venders. Maybe I've just been lucky. But the State Department doesn't take chances, I guess. They follow CDC guidelines. So I go back to Sindecuse Health Center on Thursday for blood work and the results of my TB test.

Well, I guess they are paying for my research trip.

Posted by Miguel at 07:54 PM