Greasy hands and a haircut


For the record, yesterday's post about slavery had less to do w/ slavery per se and everything to do w/ my philosophy on ethics. That is, I'm a ethical universalist. I don't believe ethics are contextual. I think all humans are similar — we can rationally determine a human ethical system. Anyhow, that was the point about yesterday's post. No, Dan, it had nothing to do w/ my volunteering to lend a hand at your shop this week.

Speaking of which. It certainly was nice to get my hands dirty again. Fixing mopeds is a very relaxing change from reading and reading and coffee and reading. It's the difference between a long delayed, prolonged project and a short, task-oriented one. The results are instantly noticeable. The Puch engine was dirty, the piston seized. Now its clean, unseized, and the magneto is removed. Easy. Simple. Beautiful.

I got my hair cut today. It's been a long time. I enjoy my neighborhood's old school barber. He earned an MA in political science decades ago. We're nothing alike: He's a Roosevelt-era "big government" type; I'm a young ultra-rationalist. But we've great conversations. And you can't beat a $10 haircut.

Posted by Miguel at 10:54 PM
