London Detective


So my friend J Edmund tracked down Warren Ellis. If you don't know, Warren Ellis is one of the best contemporary comic book writers. Actually, he's just plain a great writer.

I'm finally recovering from the hectic pace of the Moped Army BBQ. And I came down w/ a cold. So now I'm hunkering down w/ OJ and DayQuil. I need my energy for two things: A) poker night and B) catching up on research projects tomorrow and all weekend.

Posted by Miguel at 05:16 PM


what I wouldn't give for another poker night in Kalamazoo. You'll miss it when you're in bolivia. Its even worth the five bucks I'd invariably lose

Posted by: bil at May 30, 2003 01:32 PM

Ah! But in Bolivia I can play cacho (a dice game similar to yatzee) to my heart's content.

Posted by: miguel at May 30, 2003 03:31 PM