El rancho gato


I live w/ some of the pleasantest cats you'll ever meet. They don't hiss or bare teeth. Just all-around nice girls. But these last few days have been interesting. Why? Because Dave flew to France to visit Emily (which is great for them) and I volunteered to look after Ursula.

I could've left Ursula in her own apartment. Just go in once a day or so to look after her, feed her, make sure her litter's clean. And it'd be more than she deserves. Ursula is one poorly adjusted cat. She does not play well w/ others. She hisses, snaps teeth, and has this annoying habit of wandering around just howling.

But I thought that maybe my girls would be a good influence on her. She's been over before — for short stints. But this is two weeks we're talking about. Surely in two weeks she can learn to get along w/ others of her own species and be a pleasant cat. Right?

The first day was utterly miserable. While Annie & Sophie pretty much just ignored her, Ursula hissed at everyone and howled throughout the night. Oh, and she also pissed in my dirty clothes hamper. What a miserable little creature. I was so close to just tossing her back into Apartment 12 and leaving her in solitary confinement for two weeks.

It's been three days now and things are actually getting better. I've not hear a hiss since sometime last night. No howling. Ursula even sits in close proximity to Sophie — and doesn't seem to mind! Could it be that my cats' good influence is finally rubbing off?

Posted by Miguel at 04:11 PM


Im sorry shes being such a little stinker. she is usually well behaved for me. thanks again for looking after her. France rocks but French keyboards suck. Ill have tons of picts when i come back.

Posted by: dave at June 4, 2003 08:54 AM

Don't worry. This is day three (or four?) and Ursula's now much more relaxed. She even sits close to Annie & Sophie sometimes. I imagine by next week they'll be bestest pals and your little monster cat will be cured of her social anxiety. Anyhow, I'll say "hi" to her for you.

Enjoy France! I look forward to the pictures.

Posted by: miguel at June 4, 2003 02:59 PM