Oops, bad political scientist


I was going through the Bernhard Center on campus today and discovered that there was an election. And, yes, I'm a political scientist. Yet somehow the fact that there was an election today completely escaped my attention. What was the election for? Who was running? Why didn't I get the memo?

I'm ashamed to admit that I was in too hurried to stop and find out. And since I'm registered to vote in my neighborhood precinct ... Well, I didn't vote. If anyone can tell me what this election was about — or if I should even care — please let me know.

Posted by Miguel at 06:02 PM


Hey, talk about politics and democracy. Is this a democratic nation? We just had community level elections regarding taxations for our schools= headlines in today's Saginaw News: Voters stay away from polls" Swan Valley had a 12 % voter turn out. Saginaw Township, Buena Vista and Carrollton had a 1% turn out. Freeland was near 1%. How's that for a democartic citizen involvement. (I must say since I am not involved in Swan Valley schools anymore, I forgot to vote. But I'm glad the millega renuewal went through. Money for Education IS important. Freeland was voing NO on taxes for schools.

Posted by: bcentellas at June 10, 2003 07:55 PM

Wow! That's pretty bad. Yeah, we have pretty low citizen involvement. But we're still "democratic" since we have the chance to choose our leaders. Even in Athens, all citizens could directly participate in the Ecclesia. But no one could force them to attend. But, yeah, maybe more people should vote. Then again, um, I didn't vote either. Oops.

Posted by: miguel at June 10, 2003 09:44 PM

yeah, the elections were for the school board, and as this is an important vote, less than 10% showed all over the state. there was no campaigning which is most likely why so little turnout, however, i work in a school system and i didn't vote...oh well :P


Posted by: mark at June 11, 2003 07:48 AM