The death march


Simon rescued us and we're now safe and sound in Kalamazoo. So, yeah, we didn't quite make it all the way to Seattle on mopeds.

Dave broke down north of Chicago (near the Wisconsin border). A broken stator plate (here's what a stator plate does). We're still unclear how that could happen; but there's nothing we could do about it. So it was over.

Except for Dan, who seemed set on a death march. Dave and I advised him to stay behind and wait w/ us for Simon. But we couldn't talk him out of it. Hell, if I was in his shoes, I would've kept going and never stopped. So he rode on — and blew out a tire on the interstate just north of Madison.

I'll write more later, and hopefully post some pictures. But right now I'm tired and desperately want a shower and a soft, warm bed. Last night I slept in a tiny, cramped tent under light rain.

Posted by Miguel at 01:13 AM