Liberator, the movie


I've been emailing over the past year and a half w/ Marcus Whitfield, a British screenwriter. He's working on a film about Simón Bolívar (known throughout Latin America as "El Libertador" for his role in the Spanish American wars of independence). It's still in early pre-production (the preliminary release date is late 2005). I just found out that Alfonso Cuarón (Y Tu Mamá También, Harry Potter 3) is expected to direct the multinational project. I'm really excited. And not just because I've been fascinated w/ Bolívar's life and political philosophy. But also because I'm listed as one of the "consultants" on the script's historical accuracy (my first formal thesis was on Bolívar's political thought). I honestly never thought the project would get this far.

Posted by Miguel at 10:23 AM


Congratulations Miguel! I think this sort of thing is so cool. I love when people I know are accepted into officiousness. You rock. You are so money, and you don't even know it, baby! Keep up the good work.

Also, I would love to read your thesis(ese) so send 'em to me. That would rock.


P-I thought you were mopedin' cross-country right now. Are the recent posts from internet cafes or are you home? Confuzzeling.

Posted by: Micah at July 12, 2003 05:22 PM

I used to periodically update a website devoted to Bolivarian political thought. Thanks to the Yahoo merger w/ Geocities, I've been locked out of it. But here's a brief section of the thesis in question.

I am hoping to move the entire site back over to my personal server and somehow re-direct traffic from the old one (which still gets tons of hits, it's included on a Guardian site on Bolivar as a reference source) to the new site.I just never got around to it, since I got busy w/ other work-related projects.

Posted by: miguel at July 12, 2003 05:31 PM

sounds cool! good stuff!

Posted by: sam at July 13, 2003 03:11 PM

Fantastic opportunity. Congrats!

Posted by: Steph at July 16, 2003 12:13 AM

That´s was what hispanoamericans had been expected all those years and decades. To make a film about Simon Bolivar because what he did was huge, compared with Washington, San Martin and inspired by Rosseau and Napoleon, Bolivar had a grat vision of progress with hispanoamerican countries.his thougths are still alive because hispanoamericans are waiting for the emerging of the Liberator´s legacy, because latinoamericans statemen don´t worry about it, they betrayed him, and that´s the reason this beautiful part of the continent is not developed in the economical way as well as political.

This movie has to inspire many latinoamericans to get the union between them to improve their standard of living, because Bolivar is sinonimous of progress in Latinoamerica.

¡A toast for him!


Posted by: edward at April 21, 2004 02:32 AM