Goodbye, Hello


Caleb & Marci left town this morning (Monday) for the UP (that's Michigan's Upper Peninsula). I met them for a goodbye breakfast at Main Street Grill, along w/ a few other close friends.

They get married this Saturday. I'm excited to've been invited to the wedding and love the paintings they gave me as parting gifts. They're hands down one of the best couples I know. And they're getting married in a field, w/ croquet and blue grass band to follow. Sounds smashing.

After breakfast, I went home and took a long nap. I was woken up in the afternoon by a knock at my door.

It was Bill Brieger! Back from Japan, asking if I wanted a cup of coffee and a game of chess. We sat at the Fourth Coast, drank mochas, and played a few rounds of chess. Later, we drove through Kalamazoo, listening to The Smiths. We ended up at Denny's after midnight w/ Bay and Josh Upson.

All in all, a pretty good day.

Posted by Miguel at 03:08 AM