Shameless self-promotion


My little blog virtually exploded a few days ago after USS Clueless linked to two of my posts. To all the new readers: Welcome and thanks for stopping by.

My post on cultural relativism saw the largest number of comments I've ever had (and a staggering volume of email). The exchanges sparked thoughts I plan to use in a number of soon-to-be-posted short essays on related topics. Namely: 1) the relationship between free market capitalism and world peace; 2) the evolution and implication of objective, rational human rights; 3) the need to aggressively promote democratic movements around the world; and 4) the link between Western, liberal values and Western military superiority. I look forward to comments.

Posted by Miguel at 10:33 PM


They all sound like interesting essays. I look forward to reading them. Perhaps I can again provide an interesting European perspective that generates massive traffic ;-)

Posted by: Jan des Bouvrie at August 1, 2003 03:26 AM

Hi Miguel, I remember having exchanged emails with you abt the fourth topic. I guess we still have slightly different opinions on that one.

I 'll order my thoughts and will put an essay in my weblog. I'll notify you, when I have it.

Posted by: Marco at August 1, 2003 06:51 AM