In three weeks


This is where I'll be living for the next year. The large mountain in the background is Illimani, an extinct volcano. Nestled in the Andes' Cordillera Real, La Paz is about 2.5 miles above sea-level. I'll be living downtown in El Prado (like Chicago's Loop or New York's Time Square), at only 2.2 miles above sea-level. Oh, the city isn't smoggy. But it's often at cloud level.

Posted by Miguel at 08:21 PM


it's pretty! What's the weather like over there?

Posted by: steph at August 21, 2003 08:52 AM

The weather's odd. You need sweaters year-round at night. But in the summer, the daytime can be rather nice -- as long as you're in the sun. The temperature drops significantly in the shade. Even in cold cold days, you can get quite sunburned (at that altitude you're much closer to the sun). But, overall, it's rather pleasant.

Posted by: Miguel at August 21, 2003 01:44 PM

Is that fucking city sprawled out up to the base of the mountain or cobbles?!? It's gigantic! What the fuck?!? Where the hell is that? Freaky.


Posted by: Micah at August 21, 2003 05:41 PM

Yeah, the city sprawls up and over the mountains. It's actually two cities: La Paz and El Alto ("The Heights"). La Paz has about a million people, and El Alto has about 700,000 or so. La Paz starts in a small valley and starts crawling up the Andes and along into other little valleys. So the city's broken up into boroughs like Sopocachi, San Miguel, etc. Over the lip of the mountains around La Paz, where the Altiplano breaks out, that's where El Alto starts. So. La Paz is all ups and downs (like San Francisco, but at much higher altitude, mostly between 2.2 and 2.5 miles). El Alto is pretty much all flat, but at a pretty steady 2.7 miles above sea-level). If you travel w/in the city fast enough, your ears pop going up and down at that altitude.

Posted by: Miguel at August 21, 2003 10:59 PM

i really want to get over there for Christmas this year. Keeping my fingers crossed.... Your place sounds like it will be awesome!

Posted by: sam at August 22, 2003 12:12 AM

Yeah, I think my place is in the lower Prado, which melts into Sopocachi. That's where all the best restaurants, cafés, clubs, and other swanky places are. Not to mention most embassies and other cultural-political spots. Oh, yeah! It's gonna be "la dulce vita".

Posted by: Miguel at August 22, 2003 02:31 AM