

Didn't do Halloween. It's not a Bolivia holiday, after all. Although the trick-or-treat-and-dress-up is actually starting to become popular (especially around La Paz's Sona Zur). I guess all holidays are now international in our little global village. Oktoberfest? Saint Patrick's? Cinco de Mayo? Lunar New Year?

Well, actually, Todos Santos (in Mexico it's called Día de los Muertos) is actually a holiday. But you don't dress up or anything; you go to the cemetery and light candles for your dead. There's also an Aymaran tradition of siting w/ your dead and having a feast (and getting drunk) which includes these little "bread people" (but not gingerbread).

I didn't do anything fancy. But I did go to the cathedral in Santa Cruz for early mass. And I did light a candle.

Posted by Miguel at 05:08 PM