I hate ATMs


So. I've money in my US account (you did depost my check, right dad?). But no ATM in La Paz will take my card. It doesn't expire until 01/04. Not sure what's up. Problem: I've $50 to my name in Bolivia, and must put down a $100 deposit for my new apartment tomorrow. Suggestions?

Oh. Also, I'll post more about Bolivia (including some interesting news from yesterday/today). Probably tomorrow. But I've had a long weekend. And now I have to hunt down money for tomorrow (and the next weeks!). Ciao!

Posted by Miguel at 01:27 PM


U didn't open an account in La Paz? And this week's the first time u're withdrawing money out from an ATM?

U might have a problem cos of the expiry date (it being less than a month away?) Suggestion is to email a representative of the US bank and find out whats up with your card and get them to mail u a new card asap. Good luck!

Posted by: Steph at December 3, 2003 10:16 AM

Hey mine worked.... ???

sorry ... no suggestions my way

Posted by: Andres at December 3, 2003 10:46 AM

Well, I couldn't open an account here before, because my passport was stuck in immigration for over a month. You need a passport and minimum $500 to open an account. By the time I got my passport back, I was under $500. So, yeah, first time trying to use an ATM. Really sucks. Your suggestions are valie, but don't solve my current dilemma. Mail takes 1-2 weeks in one direction.

Posted by: miguel at December 3, 2003 11:55 AM

what bank are you with? big one or some local credit union crap? that i bet makes a difference.

sell your powerbook if you really get desperate! but i doubt it will ever get that bad.

or maybe... go to the plaza with a little guitar and play for money and see what happens. those pesos will add up quick.

Posted by: sam at December 3, 2003 12:10 PM

I'm w/ National City, one of the biggest (and heartless) banks in America. My ATM should work w/ most international systems.

Not sure what I'll do if things get desperate. But selling Kaneda isn't really something I'd like to consider. I could sell tons of MP3 CDs, though ... that's an option. Of course, most people are unfamiliar w/ 90% of my musical tastes ...

Posted by: miguel at December 3, 2003 12:18 PM

If National City cards work in Bolivia, the problem may be with your card's magnetic strip. U just need a new card (and soon). what are u going to do with an expired card come january?

My suggestions won't solve your current prob if u need to pay the deposit today. So moving out will have to wait.

Other suggestions:
International postal/bank money order
Wire transfer money using a relative's account.
The US embassy

Posted by: Steph at December 3, 2003 09:03 PM

Oh, talk to an international bank (one with great customer service and makes provisions for political crisis) abt starting an account with $50. Call National City to wire transfer the balance. How abt that?

Posted by: Steph at December 3, 2003 09:12 PM

All good suggestions. But the only international bank here is Citibank, which isn't really interested in you if you don't have a private jet. But I'll see if I can open an account at a local bank tomorrow and take it from there.

Oh, and my tío Eduardo fronted me some money to tide me over for a while. So I got my security deposit paid and so moving to a great new apartment is still gonna happen.

Posted by: Miguel at December 3, 2003 09:20 PM