A day of nice surprises


My cousin, David, popped in for a surprise visit today (he called Saturday night). We spent the day hanging out, walking around, and curing his sorojche (altitude sickness). He's on his way to Puno (on the Peru side of Lake Titicaca) by bus, and so he's stopped in La Paz first. A nice visit overall. It meant I did no work today; it also meant I saw Lord of the Rings for my fourth time.

Also met a very pleasant & charming USAID employee. Apparently, her father found out about my blog from his Oklahoma newspaper (I'm still trying to figure out how) and weeks later, we meet at last in person.

And there were no manifestaciones today, despite my expectations that there would be. Not only that, but today was the first rainless day in about two weeks, w/ a bright sunny day that lasted from early morning until into the evening. I think my cousin brought the camba vibes & weather w/ him. No other explanation.

Posted by Miguel at 07:01 PM


four times? wow. your committment to LOTR is impressive. i saw it the first day, and left it at that.

incidentally, i meant to respond to your post on the red planet (of a week ago now- sheesh!), but of course haven't gotten around to it. the view from inside the beltway (which, admittedly, has about as much oxygen as mars) is that Bush's proposal is a bad budget based on bad science that is not likely to pan out. the lack of mention in the SOTU (when time was found to ramble on steroids) seems to confirm that.

Gregg Easterbrook has a view much more informed than mine:
i'd flesh it out (and have been meaning to), but it's late, and i'm tired.


Posted by: mike d at January 26, 2004 11:54 PM

i think the AP picked up the story the Saginaw News ran about you and your blog durinng the political strife in Bolivia.

we are supposed to be getting storms tonight. which would be good for me. i never wrote a paper which is due tomorrow. and instead of writing it now, i am commenting and wishing for a storm.

Posted by: sam at January 27, 2004 01:08 AM