

Did my first official interview today. Met Luis Tapia (faculty at CIDES, UMSA's post-graduate program) at his office. Since I'm doing informal interviews, we mostly just chatted freely (wherever the conversation took us) along the four basic "frame" questions I'm using. Now I have to transcribe the tape. He was also very helpful in referring me to a few more people to interview (the list is growing).

I had to go down to Obrajes for the interview, which wasn't a problem. Despite the second day of the transit strike, traxis & trufis (like taxis but w/ specific routes) roam the streets. Only micros & minbuses are absent. Supposedly, the strike ends tonight and things go back to "normal." Good. I'm taking a bus tomorrow night to Cochabamba for a Friday/Monday visit to CEDIB.

Also, my dad sent digital pictures of my two sidekicks back at their house. Apparently, Annie's still gaining weight. Sophie's as skinny & jittery as ever.

I've also preparing for my Carnaval trip — to Tarija. Yes, I know Oruro's the most popular destination. And I'm sure it's lovely (I've never been). But the event has a reputation for turning into a drunken mess. Plus, Carnaval trips are usually rather long trips; Oruro's a dreary place. I much prefer Tarija, w/ its beautiful gardens, wine country, music, and culture. Yes, I'm a camba, but I think I'm a little chapaco at heart.

Posted by Miguel at 06:15 PM


hey, que bien lo de tu viaje, espero que puedas tener la informacion que necesitas.
Asi que a Tarija, la verdad a mi me gustaria conocer Tarija y tengo amigos de colegio por ahi que se fueron a estudiar a la Universidad y se quedaron alla por que les agrado mucho.

Bueno, nos vemos.

Posted by: David at February 12, 2004 10:07 AM