Blogs vs. old media


I'm killing the two hours before my bus leaves for Cochabamba by catching up on the blogosphere. I tend to get most of my news & analysis from blogs these days, rather than from old media. It's not just that blogs are gaining a reputation for greater accuracy and timeliness (scandals at CNN, New York Times, BBC, the list goes on), but they're much more interactive.

Lately, I stumbled upon yet another group blog. This one covers election news & analysis. It's already broken several stories days (sometimes weeks) before old media. And it provides damned good analysis of the Dems, the GOP, and third parties. Check out WatchBlog.

Posted by Miguel at 07:15 PM


I like the use of the three columns on that blog. Great interface for comparison reading. It seems to be run by Cameron Barrett, whose weblog I used to read back when it was updated more often. He's been working on the Clark campaign -- I wonder what he'll be up to now that Clark has dropped out.

As for blogs overtaking other news media, I think it's interesting how much more often I hear old media reference blogs or stories that broke on the Internet. The interplay between the two now goes both ways.

Posted by: Simon King at February 13, 2004 01:06 PM

Yes, I find more old media referencing blogs. Often, because they've been scooped. LOL. I really do think old media's either evolving or on its way out.

Posted by: miguel at February 13, 2004 02:32 PM