Wake up, CNN!


Wow. The Associated Press and CNN finally discovered that there's a lively community of hundreds of Iranian bloggers out there (many in English, most in Farsi), reporting front-line news about the pro-democracy movement and repression in Iran. Of course, the blogosphere's been aware of them — and supporting their call for democracy — for years. But. At least maybe now they'll get the attention they deserve. Here's a list of Iranian blogs in English.

Now, if only Iraqi bloggers could get this kind of attention. They often complain that "professional" Western journalists almost never leave their Baghdad hotels to report anything — that's why I get most of my Iraqi news from Iraqi newspapers & bloggers.

In the 21st century, everyone's a journalist & pundit. There's no more editors. Welcome to the future CNN; you're obsolete.

Posted by Miguel at 03:27 PM