The politics I missed


As I prepared for my trip to Tarija, I forgot to mention an important event in Bolivian politics. In record time, parliament approved a new constitution (the third in twenty years). Wow. I'm still trying to get over that. The new constitution allows for a referendum, a Constituent Assembly, and more public participation — bypassing political parties. There are still other reforms required to make the new constitution viable. Specifically, a new electoral code. Problems in Bolivia aren't solved, of course. But this is a good start.

I'll pour over the new constitution (actually a long series of major ammendments to a very long constitution) and post some thoughts in a day or two.

Posted by Miguel at 02:24 PM


I am especially interested in the provision that allows for dual citizenship. As the son of Bolivian parents and born in the U.S., I believe I may be eligible for Bolivian citizenship.

Do you know when or how that change will take effect?

Having dual citizenship, has been a recent dream of mine and I believe it is closer to reality. I would even get to vote in the 2007 elections!

Posted by: eduardo at February 27, 2004 08:53 PM