I want an office


I've never been able to work at home. In part, the physical act of packing up & going somewhere else is an important ritual. Also, home's where I relax, read books & comics, watch DVDs, stuff like that. It's certainly not where I want to work. Sure, I can write at home if I have to, it's not a life-or-death issue. But. Recently. I've come to the conclusion that I want an office.

I'm currently writing a paper (hopefully for publication). I'm also transcribing taped interviews. So. I'd like a place where I can sit for hours & write, write, write. Back in Kalamazoo, I'd hide in a corner of Waldo Library (near the "J" stacks, for those who know what that means) when I wanted near-absolute privacy. Or at The Fourth Coast or The Space (while it existed). I could write, while enjoying a Wi-Fi connection, good coffee, and the occasional friendly distraction.

Sure, I could do that at Café La Terraza (the only place in La Paz w/ Wi-Fi). But it's not the same. La Terraza resembles Starbucks, not a neighborhood coffee shop. And it's probably not a good idea to spend long, predictable hours in a café on a laptop in downtown La Paz. Plus, the tables are rather small, so you can't really spread out your notes, references, drafts, etc.

Over a year ago, the ILDIS co-director offered me office space for when I arrived in Bolivia. Maybe I should ask if the offer still stands. I don't really need anything fancy, just an out-of-the-way place where I can sit & type unmolested.

Another option's to turn my second (smaller) dining room into an office. But that would mean buying a desk. And if you know me, you know how reluctant I am to buy furniture.

Posted by Miguel at 02:32 PM


I like the idea of the home-office.
Where everything is within reach.

You spend next to nothing on transportation, and save on other bills as well. Plus, it's much easier to make the client feel "at home".

The place I'm currently staying.. there's no desk in the room, so I work on the kitchen table. I can read - and concentrate - while a lion dance is in the background.

Posted by: Steph at March 4, 2004 12:38 AM

Home offices don't work well for me. I tend to need the physical act of leaving a place w/ some set of papers (a specific task) that needs to get done. However, I don't want to pay for an office or anything. I hope to get some space for free from ILDIS. If not, then home office it is.

Posted by: Miguel at March 4, 2004 02:12 PM

Oh the waldo library!!! I was just telling Andres, how nice it use to be to study there. The MSU libraries are pact with students who go there to socialize. There use to always be a quiet corner at western, not here. Good luck with the office idea, sounds fun! But I totally understand not wanting to study at home.

Posted by: Saloumeh at March 4, 2004 02:19 PM

You can get cheap new desk for U$ 15.- at the León de la Barra.

Posted by: Daniel at March 5, 2004 03:17 PM