It's Friday


Yesterday was an overall good day. I wrapped up an important interview w/ René Antonio Mayorga. I still haven't transcribed it yet, since I had to work at O Mundo Café. Then two other interviews today — one was cancelled, the other's in an hour (I should hurry, I need a new mini-cassette).

The café was pretty busy last night, which was nice. Daniel's dad — faculty member at Universidad Salesiana & former ambassador to the US — came in w/ a host of Daniel's cousins. So we chatted a bit about politics & such, his pet parrots, his first jeep, and when he met Elizabeth Taylor as a young student in 1960s Rome.

I also picked up a package of comics sent by Josh Upson. Which included the next breathtaking installment of Darwyn Cooke's DC: The New Frontier — the story of the end of comics' "Golden Age". Wow. So many good parts — but the conflict between Superman & Wonder Woman in Indochina! I like that Cooke's immersing the characters in the political context of the time: the Cold War, McCarthyism (which in real life almost killed the comic book industry through censorship), conformism, the end of naivete, etc.

Bolivian politics are getting interesting again, after a brief lull. Mesa's backpedaling in all directions — which only weakens his position. I'll post a news round up tomorrow.

In the meantime, I want to relax this afternoon (after the interview). Then, Saturday, do some non-spring cleaning of my apartment. Maybe buy a small desk? Maybe catch a movie (the acclaimed Spanish film Sex & Lucia plays at the Cinemateca Boliviana tomorrow)? Then off to O Mundo to listen to Arawimanta.

Posted by Miguel at 03:45 PM