The 9/11 ads


I've not seen the ads, so I can't directly comment on them. But it does seem that many Americans have forgotten 9/11 — or are desperately trying to convince themselves that this was Bush's fault or a Zionist conspiracy even or is no longer relevant. Not relevant? Bush is running on his record; 9/11 is part of his record. And. Haven't there been anti-Bush ads using 9/11 imagery? Why, I think it's the cover of a recent Chomsky book. Pot calling kettle ...

The always brilliant & funny James Lileks has a post on the Bush 9/11 ad controversy. Here's an excerpt:

Obligatory statement: I am tired of making the following obligatory statement, but I must. Obligatory Statement the Second: I do not believe Bush walks on water. I have arguments with many policies. McCain Feingold: gah. Gah in excelsis deo. Other policies I understand as political expediencies, but that doesn’t mean I like them. I have one issue above all: the war. And yes, I'm one of those deluded types who thinks we're at war, and that the absence of attacks since 9/11 no more means we're not at war than the absence of air raids on Manhattan in 1942 meant we weren’t at war with Germany and Japan.

Obligatory Statement the Third: I was not a Clinton hater. I eventually developed an eww-ick distaste of the man, but I was frequently amused and impressed by the politician; he was good. And he did some things I liked. It’s possible, you know: you can disapprove of a politician's value set, applaud some decisions, dislike others, and wish his exit - that's normal and American. If you see the guy on TV and you have an aneurism because the crawl doesn't say THIS MAN BURST FROM A CARBUNCLE ON SATAN’S BUTT! you have a problem.

Statement the Fourth: it's the war. That's what counts. If I had a choice between an isolationist Republican who would withdraw all American troops from everywhere and cast Israel adrift, OR a Joe Lieberman Democrat who understood the threat and wanted to take the fight to them - and nevermind what our valiant allies thought, like Russia - I'd pull the lever for the D. As I've said before: we can argue about the future of Western Civilization after we've ensured Western Civilization will survive.

Posted by Miguel at 05:34 PM


I think everyone knows that Bush was President during Sept. 11 and the operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. It will get pretty nasty this election cycle.

The GOP already have started. Rep. Tom Cole from Oklahoma said, "if George Bush loses the election, Osama bin Laden wins the election, it's that simple. It will be interpreted that way by enemies of the United States around the world."

I think all profiteering (American flag sales) or use of Sept. 11 for political gain is pretty low.

I think it's pretty safe that the leaders in Iran and North Korea are not the only world leaders who welcome a different tone in American foreign policy.

Posted by: eduardo at March 6, 2004 08:48 PM

I'm sure other leaders might want a new US president. I've no problem w/ that. But when the North Korean press lauds Kerry (they only ever laud Kim Jong Il) or when Iran's reactionary mullahs start destroying the semi-democracy in their country in anticipation that Kerry will leave them along — then I have a problem.

Posted by: Miguel at March 8, 2004 02:00 PM