The success of O Mundo


Tourism's back in Bolivia. I see more & more "gringos" (which means Americans, Canuks, Europeans, Aussies, Kiwis, etc. in the Bolivian context) in the streets. Especially around the Sagarnaga & Linares neighborhood. Which is right were O Mundo Café's located. W/ just a bit more advertising, it'll start to take off.

But the success of O Mundo isn't just a financial thing. At least not for me. It's turning into a show venue for small, interesting acts not necessarily welcome at more expensive locales. Poets & writing collectives sell their work there & give readings. It's a small art gallery for undiscovered, local artists. We sell mainly local products (organic, fair-trade coffee, Tarija wines, singani), even offer coca for chewing. In short, I'm following the Kalamazoo advice: Make your own Space.

And it's also a social experiment (of sorts). Unable to run the place daily ourselves, we hired someone (Faruk) to manage the café-pub for us. We're paying a wage we can barely afford — and offering him a partnership in the business (i.e. profit sharing). And Danny, the guard from El Alto, is still at his previous salary (but working half the hours) to help Faruk run the café. We're offering him a share of profits, too. If the only thing O Mundo ever manages to do is give one person a chance to move up in the world, it'll be a brilliant success.

Most cafés & pubs in Bolivia are odd (to this American's eyes). There are "waiters" in cheesy uniforms. And managers, nicely dressed who supervise the action. Even the cheaper places. O Mundo? Not like that. Faruk, Danny, myself (& the other owners) just show up in casual clothes. If you walked into O Mundo, you'd not know who was owner & who worked there. And that's the idea. You come into O Mundo, and you can play chess w/ Danny (he's pretty good), talk futbol (soccer) w/ Faruk, or let me make you a cappuccino.

So. Anyhow. I guess I'm pretty proud of the project. Faruk & Danny have tons of ideas to improve the place & generate more business. And. From now on. I let them run the show. After all, it's their café as much as it's mine.

Posted by Miguel at 02:57 PM


Great attitude!. It's nice that we share some points of view and that we also have different ideas in other concerns, I think it enriches O Mundo. For me O Mundo is more than a business too; despite the confidence that I have in it's potential, as long as it generates enough to give work and opportunities to some people and offers good service everything is all right!.

Posted by: Daniel at March 19, 2004 05:52 PM

The Space was a great concept.

Glad things are workign out at your cafe! Keep up the good work! Wow!

Posted by: Steph at March 19, 2004 07:37 PM

Yes, The Space was great. I'm glad there's now The Rocket Star for me to go back to Kzoo to.

It's also great that all the owners are socialy conscious people w/ great hearts. Daniel, of course, is one of my best friends since we met almost ten years ago in Mount Pleasant.

Posted by: Miguel at March 20, 2004 01:14 PM