Happy Father's Day


Today's Bolivian Father's Day. So. Just sending all the best to my dear papi today.

What can I say about my dad? He's usually rather quiet, w/ a childlike sense of humor. He's always there for me when I've needed him. Well, except that one time in third grade when he forgot to pick me up from school. He can be a bit scatterbrained sometimes — a trait he passed on to me.

Dad was a unique father, especially in Bolivia. He took me to work on his motorcycle. And even when I was seven, he encouraged me to speak my mind to adults. Kids weren't to be seen & not heard. My dad was never a radical leftist college student, but his democratic instincts are more pure & honest than any idealogue I've ever heard or read.

When I was in first grade, papi gave me a biography of Simón Bolívar. He bought me an encyclopedia — which in a few months were read cover to cover. When he knew I was interested in politics at twelve, he gave me a copy Plato's The Republic. That led to Machiavelli, Rousseau, and others. Even when he thought my ideas were strange, papi let me express them — but defend them w/ arguments.

But what I learned most from my father was sacrifice. He moved the family to the US in winter 1984-85 to escape Bolivia's economic meltdown (25,000% inflation). He didn't speak any English. College educated, he took the only job offered him: He sold newspapers. A few months later, in the summer, he took a job as a roofer. Hot, long hours that meant little pay & little time w/ wife & kids. But he did it. And he seized every opportunity that came his way since.

Now he has a nice house w/ a swimming pool in the suburbs. And say what you will about bourgeois, suburban life. My dad deserves it! He earned it! And. In the process. He taught me that life always offers opportunity, that as long as I'm willing to wash dishes or sell papers or do anything else, I'll never starve. My confidence in life I owe to my papi.

So. Papá: ¡Feliz día del padre!

Posted by Miguel at 03:45 PM


I don't think you are scatterbrained. Muchos saludos a tu familia y en especial a tú Papá.

Posted by: Daniel at March 19, 2004 05:23 PM

Coincidentally I was talking to my dad today as well. I call him Papa or Papi too, or Vati. Just fun how some terms are international. Mama and Papa are just two that are... .

Posted by: Melli at March 19, 2004 06:49 PM

Al Padre querido que ya no esta.
No lo olvidamnos nunca!

Posted by: Rodolfo at March 21, 2004 04:05 PM

I did not know it was this weekend. Dad was here visiting with the entire family (minus you of course). We had a good time, he enjoyed his two grand daughters, swam with mom at the hotel and reminded Andres and I about our taxes and offered to make us some spread sheets.... always the practical one.

Posted by: sam at March 21, 2004 10:48 PM

Great post, great picture.

Posted by: Scott Barnard at March 22, 2004 10:33 AM