Bowling & Thai food


Met up w/ M in San Miguel last night & went out for Thai Food at Maphrao On. Wow. What great food. The place was closed for some time, so this was my first chance to try it out. My chicken in hot peanut sauce was spectacular; made me glad I'd skipped lunch that day.

From there, we took a taxi up towards the Prado. There's a small, two-lane bowling ally (Twin Lanes) across from the post office. I'd noticed it a while ago, and got a hankerin' for a few games.

The lanes aren't in the greatest condition, and the pins (which seem a little heavier) are set by hand. But it was a great midwestern touch to my evening. My time in La Paz (the largest city I've ever lived in) — and experience w/ other American ex-pats — has taught me that I'm very much a small-city midwesterner. I even looked forward to the rental bowling shoes.

I didn't bowl too well (I blame it on the altitude) and only managed a 101 average out of two games. But it was a great time. We bowled until the place closed at midnight, then headed up to O Mundo.

M didn't make it out for Saint Paddy's. A real shame because she's actually Irish (though born in Oklahoma) — stuck in a late meeting w/ the Viceminister of Economic Development. We drank the last of the Guinness & chatted, before heading out to our respective homes.

Posted by Miguel at 01:29 PM


Add your chicken to some pad Thai noodles and scallions. That will really taste pretty authentic. Make sure you have extra sauce though, the noodles alone taste bland.

Oh and I have an online journal.
It's kind of like a blog, or at least I make mine out to be. I talk more about political things than most of my friends who use it.

Posted by: Kara at March 20, 2004 08:48 PM

I did'nt know there were bowling lanes across the post office!. I went to Maphrao On last week with Silvia and Luciana, Thai Food is very good (I ate Lobster with rice noodles and who knows what else), Silvia had a Trout (so, so) and we ordered fish & chips for Luciana (fish ok, chips great).

Posted by: Daniel at March 23, 2004 10:09 AM