Party not as crazy as anticipated


Daniel called me up to meet him for dinner at Rocky's in San Miguel. Behind the mint green sign was a Bolivian version of Big Boy or Bob Evan's or some other similar restaurant. Great food; cheap prices. We talked a bit, caught up on our lives. He's moving to a larger apartment in Los Pinos, now that Luciana's old enough to walk around.

From there, we head to Franz's birthday party. Franz is a school friend of Daniel's. I met his father in Peru a few years ago when he was ambassador there (the father, not Franz). We picked up a case of Bock & headed to Achumani.

On the way, I was informed about the craziness that Franz's parties could be. Such as: There just might be strippers. Titillating as this might be, I'm also at the party to keep Daniel in check (not that he needs it, but it makes Silvia feel better). Meanwhile, I drink a beer, smoke some cigarettes, and talk politics w/ Franz's friends — who're all either political scientists, lawyers, or soon-to-be diplomats.

Eventually, two girls cautiously enter the third floor party room, nervously glancing around. Turns out they aren't strippers — although the testosterone level in the room flares up at the appearance of the minas. Eventually, more females show up, making it a legitimate party. Dancing & merry-making ensues.

Daniel left early (Silvia keeps him on a tight leash), and I stuck around to chat w/ Sergio (who leaves for Japan in four days). I won a free lunch after downing a beer in one drink. Seems, no one expected I could do this; I was given three drinks to finish my half bottle of beer for the wager.

Pretty fun party all around, no complaints about going. Even if there weren't any strippers. OK, actually, I'm glad there weren't any strippers. That would've been a bit, well, sleezy.

Posted by Miguel at 03:27 PM


Yeah! it was a nice "normal" party, I had fun with no hangovers; I'm glad I left early probably I would have bet another dinner that you were not able to down a beer in one drink.

Posted by: Daniel at March 29, 2004 09:21 AM