

I'm starting to get over my flu, finally. Stephen tried to scare me into thinking I had TB, but I feel much better now. I somehow managed to spend several past nights hanging out. Running into Matthew (a French blogger) & Aggie on Monday, then Stephen (fellow Fulbrighter) & Mirtha last night.

I might move to San Pedro when I get back from Lima. Matthew's through w/ his apartment; it's about half what I pay for rent right now. And since I'm packing up for a long Lima (Peru) trip, I might as well just pack up for a third move, eh? Not like I've much to move.

Oh, yes, I'm going to Lima in ten days. There's a big regional Fulbright all-expense-paid meet-and-greet. So. Why not? It could turn out a fun trip — and the program has some interesting tourist getaways planned.

Did my first interview of an Aymaran intellectual this morning. Interesting experience. It's good, obviously, to have a wider variety of interview subjects. But I wasn't expecting such a long interview (almost an hour, most are less than 30 minutes). And he's the first person to request a copy of my cassette, as well as a printed transcript (part of Aymara culture). But. He offered me Victor Hugo Cardenas' (former vice president) phone number & suggested I interview him. Sounds like a plan.

This afternoon's plans include checking on some airline tickets, watching the COB march something around 4pm, and meeting Matthew to see his apartment (the one I might rent). Did I mention his apartment's five blocks from a prison?

Posted by Miguel at 02:37 PM


Recognizing that it entails much planning and a hike, will you be able to visit Machu Pichu?

Posted by: tom at April 15, 2004 03:27 PM

Interviewing Cardenas, that would be cool. Enjoy your trip. --s

Posted by: Scott Barnard at April 16, 2004 10:30 AM

No, we've no excursion to Machu Pichu planned. Beside, a few days ago, there was a mudslide which took out the road — along w/ several tourists & locals.

Posted by: Miguel at April 16, 2004 04:50 PM