Back in La Paz


I'll write a long, week-in-review of the Fulbright retreat to Lima (w/ pictures, of course). Which was great. But I just landed, back in La Paz, checked back into my apartment, then headed down to La Terraza to catch up on email, weblogs, and the digital world.

As tiring as the week was, physically, it was refreshing intellectually. Yes, we mostly just drank pisco sours watching the ocean, took over a karaoke bar, and went wild in a cozy Barranco dance club. But I spent a week surrounded by people doing interesting research in such diverse fields. And they weren't all anthropologists — which makes up the majority of Bolivianist researchers.

Oh! And good news. The country's still standing. No golpe (coup d'etat), the exchange rate's the same as when I left, stuff like that. Maybe I should leave more often?

Anyhow, it's good to be back in La Paz. Looking forward to Jacob's wedding in Cochabamba. Even more excited about writing again. Stuff like that. OK. I know have to catch up w/ a week's worth of weblogs.

Posted by Miguel at 08:11 PM


Looking forward to the pictures. The brain trust in that room must have been impressive. Peace. --s

Posted by: scott at May 1, 2004 09:26 PM