Art show, milonga, apple pie


Fali's art exhibit went well, w/ a good turnout. We got the art set up just after 8pm, in a nick of time. The display's mostly a watercolor series — in a minimalist, colorful style that imitates children's art. Quite lovely. The pieces'll be up another three weeks.

We comped some wine, then people began ordering whatever they wanted. Daniel & Jose Mario (my co-owners) gave short little introductions — they went to high school w/ Fali, many years ago. Daniel joined the "gringo" table (a few of my fellow Fellows showed up), and we had a good time.

Halfway into the evening, Alison, Kate, & I went to the Casa Argentina to a milonga (a tango party). Figured it was a good time & place to practice the steps from my lesson two weeks ago. Of course, it's different dancing in an actual crowd, rather than at a class. But fun. Kate (also learning tango) & I stumbled through at the rear of the dance floor.

Finally, we wandered up to Café Ciudad — the only place open 24 hours in La Paz — for apple pie. Folks say they have the best apple pie in town. And it's not bad, actually.

We chatted about whether there's a coup tomorrow or not (rumors, rumors, rumors). I keep insisting that a coup's highly unlikely, despite the political rumor mill. Of course, I could be wrong. It's been known to happen (both me being wrong & coups in Bolivia). Sometimes I forget how surreal it is to live in a place where a coup d'etat is a very real, discussed, possibility.

Posted by Miguel at 03:06 PM


Good pics, you should try to post some pics of your tango lessons!

Posted by: Daniel at May 10, 2004 10:06 AM

you wrong? bolivian coup? they happen.... but only under extreme circumstances right? unlike mistakes in my grammar...

peace para Bolivia!

Posted by: sam at May 10, 2004 10:33 PM