Mother's Day


Although Bolivian Mother's Day isn't until 27 May, today's the US holiday. So. Happy Mother's Day, mom.

What can I say about my mom? She's an odd sense of humor, and laughs at her own little jokes. Other times, she's extremely serious & doesn't seem to get her sons' sense of humor. Although she does like Seinfeld, which surprises all of us.

Always the teacher, she made sure I learned to read & write in English when I grew up in Bolivia. Of course, that also meant I had few "vacations" from school. But I became a bookworm under the tutelage of this English teacher & librarian. As a kid, I had an awesome children's library, which included the book I was named for: And Now Miguel.

Growing up, I underestimated mom's courage. But she moved, sight unseen, to Bolivia fresh out of college. Where she met my dad; three years later, I was born. And although the family moved to Michigan almost twenty years ago, she still considers herself "Bolivian" & dreams of returning to live in Cochabamba, where my parents met so many years ago.

We didn't always see eye-to-eye, which I suppose is typical of a teenage boy & his mother. But I've learned to trust her advice over the years. And I've even grown to share her appreciation for The Carpenters & John Denver. Mostly, I've enjoyed her support & encouragement for my writing. I guess she's my biggest fan.

Thanks, mom. For everything.

Posted by Miguel at 02:14 PM


Mom's are special in this sense. Mom's will be fans of their kids. Mine is very similar in that, even though it took her a while. She never understood my drive in photography and never thought this hobby would have a future. And latest last year she made a complete turnaround and helped me with set-ups, providing stuff I needed etc. Now she is the mom that proudly points to the picture I gave her for her office "my daughter made that". She is also getting very enthusiastic about me writing. I love my mom for that. But she's always been my biggest supporter (given that she is a single parent and my relationship with dad was not too good for a long time).

Posted by: Melli at May 10, 2004 04:21 PM

yeah I love mom. she got on me about my party post this weekend and you posting about your last cigarette. moms... never change.

we (Raquel, Andres and I) got mom a nice necklace for Mothers Day.

I don't think we could have asked for better parents. they were everything we needed, right when we needed it.

Posted by: sam at May 10, 2004 10:28 PM