Sick, sick


The sudden snap in weather contributed to my near-constant runny nose. Even woke up w/ a nosebleed this morning. Think I blew my nose too much last night. Sucks.

Fortunately, I'm now staying at a friend's place. She's out of town for a month, and lent me her place. The working stove means I can cook. The cable TV means I can curl up on a comfy couch to watch reruns of ER on WB.

I'll stay in all evening, bunkered in under blankets, surrounded by tissues, sipping on hot tea w/ honey & lemon. Good excuse to focus on all the writing I've been putting off.

I've also decided to stop trying to track down interview subjects. I'll try to get them to answer my questions via email survey. Makes better use of time (I think). And allows me to reach more people (I hope). It's time for desperate measures.

Oh. In political news. Mesa caved in to the Beni demands, is using the military to clear the highways around La Paz (w/ mixed results), is seeking to arrest teachers' union dirigentes responsible for kidnapping the education vice minister, while the sea dispute w/ Chile's on the front pages again heading towards the OAS conference. Same old, same old.

Posted by Miguel at 03:44 PM


You make being sick sounds fun .. I want to be sick! All you need is a bowl of Mrs. Grass chicken noodle and you are back in the 5th grade!

Posted by: Andres at June 9, 2004 06:20 PM

Get better before San Juan! The extra-smoggy day after is hell on the eyes, lungs and one's general mood.

Posted by: eduardo at June 9, 2004 08:57 PM