Counting down


I'm packing up my apartment into suitcases this week, then preparing to couch surf for the last few weeks before flying back to the US. It just makes more sense. It also helps me figure out how much luggage I actually have, how much space is left, what it weights, how many knick-knacks I can bring for people.

Problem: it's difficult to get a hold of my landlady. Even though she lives a few flights above me. This is the most interesting thing I've learned about renting in La Paz. Sometimes I try to find my landlady to pay my rent, a crisp $100 bill in hand, to no avail. You really have to work to pay your rent around here. It's fascinating. Jay was three months behind on rent because his landlord never came around to collect. It's just weird.

I figure if I can't find her, well, too bad. I'll be gone & eventually she'll figure out that I don't live there anymore. No. Actually. I'd at least leave a note w/ her son, who lives next door.

As per the oh-so-familiar Miguel Centellas moving method, I'm giving away tons of stuff. Some already spoken for. But I've a dresser & bed someone might want. Some coats, sweaters, etc. So. If you're in La Paz & reading this, and think I might have something you'd like/need, let me know. This is how I move; I get rid of half my possessions.

Plus, I've a limited amount of luggage space. I can always buy new clothes & whatnot. I'd rather have more space for gifts for friends & family. Anyone want anything in particular?

Posted by Miguel at 01:52 PM


Why are you packing so fast?. I think you still have a trip left to Santa Cruz and some weeks in La Paz. See you tomorrow at o Mundo!.

Posted by: Daniel at June 15, 2004 05:03 PM

Yes, the trip to Santa Cruz is why I'm packing early. I'm going to visit my family there before I fly back to La Paz to fly back to the US. But I'll be leaving 1-2 suitcase(s) w/ my abuelitos, who're going to Michigan w/ me for a month. I need to know what I can fit, and under the weight limit for them to take for me. I have so much luggage (both weight & bulk), that I need the extra help carrying stuff back home. Plus, if I'm leaving my apartment, I might as well pack. I've sort of been living out of a suitcas for the past months anyhow.

Posted by: Miguel at June 15, 2004 08:06 PM

We are excited to have you back bro! I might end up working at Albion which will be close to Kalamazoo. I will be sure to come from Oregon when you return and say hi!

Posted by: sam at June 16, 2004 09:24 AM

I was in Kalamazoo a few days ago and saw a large group on mopeds cruising Michigan Ave. Weather was a perfect 70, sun was shining, and Kalamazoo pedestrians were everywhere.

Forgot how much I missed it. Enjoy!

Posted by: tom at June 16, 2004 03:16 PM