A whirlwind two weeks


In two hours I get on a LAB plane, headed to Sucre. It's the official capital of Bolivia (even if La Paz usurped that power some time ago). It's known for its beauty & colonial architecture. I plan to spend my days strolling the streets, sitting at cafés, going to historical museums, and just generally enjoying some quiet time in a Bolivian city I've never seen. Lots of pictures planned, of course.

Then off to continue my little end-of-my-year-in-Bolivia tour starting w/ a brief stint in Cochabamba. One of the best vegetarian/vegan restaurant I've ever been to is there. Then, Tarija. The last week'll be spent in Santa Cruz, w/ my relatives. I hope there's a trip to Río Piraí & out to Samaipata involved. Let's hope.

I'll try to check my email as frequently as possible, but no promises. Any pictures I take will have to wait for posting until I get back to La Paz on 12 July. Ciao!

Posted by Miguel at 11:50 AM


Travel safe!

Posted by: tom at June 28, 2004 05:44 PM