On to Santa Cruz


Spent my last half day in Tarija, the light sur wind that chilled last night, descending in white whips down the low mountains, subsided, breaking to a beautiful winter day. Walked around the main plazas, stopping at the market for a blended juice drink & some bookstore browsing. Andrea called & we met again for lunch: saice in the central market. More conversation about authors, dreams of Spain, brown eyes & delicate hands swirling. She gave me a bottle of homemade honey, before disappeared into her office at the Fiscalia (the DA's office).

I picked up Delirio, a new novel by Laura Restrepo, for reading to/from Santa Cruz. Almost forgot how much I enjoy reading novels. Decided I'd try reading a novel a week once I get back to Kalamazoo. I used to be more of a reader, in my youth.

In two hours I fly to Santa Cruz (via Tarija's Aeropuerto Oriel Lea Plaza) for a weeklong visit. I hope the sur wind doesn't blow while I'm there. And planning on taking my little cousins Marcia & Maira to some movie they'd enjoy. Saturday or Sunday at Río Piraí, maybe a jaunt out to Samaipata to relive memories of an 8-year-old me, tea conversations w/ my abuelitos, afternoons w/ mate, strong black coffee w/ alfajores the size of my fist.

Posted by Miguel at 03:47 PM


It seems you fell in love with Andrea, personally (and a lot of people think) I think Tarijeña women are the most beautiful in the country. Too bad you had to leave so soon.

We spent a busy sunday at O mundo with Jose Mario and some other friends, give us a call as soon as you get to La Paz.

Posted by: Daniel at July 5, 2004 05:39 PM

No, I'm not "in love" w/ the girl from Tarija. She turned my head, that's for sure. And I do have a bit of a crush, I suppose. But not in love; I hardly know her! I'm too much of an ultrarationalist to fall in love at first sight.

Posted by: miguel at July 6, 2004 03:03 PM

remember this.... ultrarationalist never write make good movies.

Posted by: sam at July 7, 2004 07:09 PM