Sur & little news


There's a light sur wind chilling Santa Cruz, and I've fallen victim to its flu-inducing properties. Abuelita blames the ice cream I had w/ Marcia & Maira before the movies. Either way, it's really just a mild inconvenience, since I get to sit at home & watch cable TV, waiting for tía Lea to make empanadas.

I also drove the white Toyota this afternoon. Just around the neighborhood, looking for cooking gas (it's sold in garrafas). Dreamt of & wished for the miraculous wonder that is power steering the entire time. I was also the only person I saw actually using blinkers, seat belt, rolling to a stop at intersections.

I hope to better by the weekend, when I plan to run around w/ a host of cousins, traipsing through Río Piraí, eating giant pieces of sonzo (mashed yuca & cheese) on sticks. We'll see.

Meanwhile, nothing shattering on the news. The gas referendum's still on track, and now w/ a parliamentary law framing it, making it all nice & legal. Most people are just waiting for that, in about a week (18 July) before making any more predictions. Though it looks like "Sí" will win across the board (especially if most potential "No" voters abstain or cast blank/null ballots). Which makes one question assumptions about "rational voters".

Of interesting note, a rift between Evo Morales & Filemon Escobar, the two major figures in MAS, has come to a head. Evo expelled Filipo from the party, all over a Senate vote that went against MAS & for which Evo blames Filipo (as if the MAS senators could've made a difference in a legislative chamber where they're outnumbered). Interesting. Because Filipo was always the brains of the party, many expect Evo committed political suicide.

Posted by Miguel at 05:20 PM


i drove a motorcycle around Santa Cruz.... man that was nuts! I don't know how those cabbies do it!

Posted by: sam at July 9, 2004 02:33 PM