Passing the days


I've mostly been sleeping in, watching DVDs at night (watched the second season of 24 w/ Andy), sitting out in the sun, or other time killers. I do plan on going apartment shopping tonight or tomorrow, especially for more boxes. I move back to Kalamazoo on Saturday.

Yesterday, Andy & I took abuelito to the Saginaw County Fair at it's new Chesaning fairgrounds. County fairs are always fun, and we went specifically to see the demolition derby. Although the deep fried oreo cookies were particularly delicious. That came after a fresh fish dinner of Bluegill & Walleye caught up north at Grampa Coates' cottage.

Nothing else new. Annie's diet seems to be working, she's down to a less-plump 18 lbs (lost about 3 lbs). Some interesting family surprises that I won't get into. And lots of sleeping on the basement couch. But Thursday we're going back to the county fair for the rodeo show. Should be tons of fun.

Posted by Miguel at 04:30 PM