Third party options


Since tonight's the "third party" presidential debate in New York City (check your local C-Span), I figured it'd be appropriate to list the candidates. If you're not happy w/ either of the two major parties, you can always vote for a third party. To vote your conscience is not to throw your vote away. Here's a list of other 2004 presidential candidates:

American Party: Diane Templin. The only female presidential candidate opposes NAFTA expansion, UN membership, and restoration of US ownership of the Panama Canal.

Prohibition Party: Gene Armondson. As you can easily guess, Armondson favors repealing the Twenty-First Amendment, which repealed the Eighteenth Amendment, which made alcohol illegal.

Constitution Party: Michael Peroutka. Runs under the slogan: "God, Family, Republic." This means pro-life, fovors deporting all illegal immigrants, opposes the Iraq war, and utterly opposes women in the military (dying, it seems, is men's work).

Green Party: David Cobb. No, Nader is not the Green Party candidate. But the platform's about the same: an immediate pull-out from Iraq, health care for all, living wage legislation, and all the environmental stances you'd expect from the Green party.

Libertarian Party: Michael Badnarik. Along w/ the Greens, the most well-known "third" party. It's fiscally conservative; socially liberal. And their campaign has a blog!

Peace & Freedom Party: Leonard Peltier. Perhaps the only candidate not allowed to vote. Still, the party's devoted to "socialism, democracy, ecology, feminism, and racial equality."

Personal Choice Party: Charles Jay. Opposed to the war in Iraq, as well as affirmative action, strong support for the Second Amendment, and calling to end income taxes. Plus their VP candidate's a porn star.

Reform/Independent: Ralph Nader. Probably the only third party candidate w/ publicity. Basically, the Green Party platform w/ more Nader ego.

Socialist Party USA: Walt Brown. Your standard democratic socialist platform.

Socialist Equality Party: Bill Van Auken. Another socialist party.

Socialist Workers Party: Róger Calero. A more leftist socialist party (it's party paper is called The Militant).

Workers World Party: John Parker. The Beijing-line communist party in the US. Most popularly known as the backbone of ANSWER. It's also allied w/ Peace & Freedom Party candidates in some congressional districts.

See, now you don't have to just write "anyone but Bush" on your ballot!

Posted by Miguel at 04:55 PM


what about Nader? is he not in the ballot?

Posted by: MB at August 31, 2004 05:06 PM

Nader's running on the Reform Party platform (in some states, as an independent in others).

Posted by: Miguel at August 31, 2004 05:18 PM