Interview questions


Bay sent me the following questions, following up on a list of similar interviews started by J. Edmund. You may find my answers less entertaining than others. Forgive me.

1. Do you feel grown up?

Apparently, not. Sometimes, yes. I guess it depends on context. I've been in college so long, and so rarely in a non-college setting, that sometimes it's hard for me to believe I'm 29. I still like rock & roll, going to movies, watching Comedy Central, and just hanging out. If "growing up" means giving up these things, then forget it. Also, does anyone ever really grow up? I'm wiser now than I was ten years ago. And I hope I'm wiser still ten years from now.

2. What's the scariest nightmare you've ever had?

Not sure I've ever actually had a "nightmare" dream. I'm usually aware of myself dreaming in my dreams, and can even manipulate them to a remarkable degree. I had a dream once that a crazed golden-robed monk was chasing after me w/ a hatchet. Although I sometimes changed from being chased to being the monk to watching it from third person perspective. Not sure that counts as a nightmare.

3. If you couldn't live in modern times, when would you choose to live?

Early 1800s, Europe. And not for the salon philosophy discussions. I'd like to've been an officer in some dashing regiment of the time. Those people sure knew how to dress. Plus, I'd like to've met Wellington or Ney or Blücher or Maitland.

4. (A question stolen from Cannibus the rapper...) Scarier: Science or Satan?

Wow. Tough question. On the one hand, science can come up w/ lots of dangerous things. Like murderbots or gamma radiated mutants. But science can also come up w/ cures for diseases, and even solutions to crazy science problems. Satan, on the other hand, is the source of all evil. So even crazy evil scientists are Satan-inspired. So my vote's for Satan as the scarier of the two? Then again, Satan can be held off w/ a crucifix & holy water, but atheist scientists are impervious. So it's a bit of a toss up.

5. What's the strangest realization you ever had about Evil Bill?

That Bill, who probably at one time enjoyed & fostered the "Evil Bill" persona, is now ambivalent about it. He still enjoys it, deep down inside. But he also wants people to believe his stories. It creates a great dilemma for him.

Posted by Miguel at 09:27 PM


Who's Evil Bill?

Posted by: T'su Rii [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 8, 2004 09:13 PM

"Evil Bill" is Bill Brieger. He's known that by many of his friends because of his (previous) penchant for "evil" (though he's actually one of the nicest guys I know). But he does have a reputation for turning tables over when losing at Monopoly.

Posted by: Miguel [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 9, 2004 12:09 AM