Updates & To-Do


I spent a few minutes to change my comment settings back to open (no TypeKey required), but it means I have to approve comments. Also added a link to my moblog (snapshots taken from my Treo). Whenever I update it, a new image appears on the left sidebar.

After a stop back home to feed Annie & Sophie, I'm off to Fourth Coast to hide in a corner & grade 7 short papers. I plan to be in bed shortly after midnight, unless I decide to keep working on my dissertation outline (due Friday). Tomorrow, I meet w/ Dr. H for coffee before my office hours.

As a nice surprise, I spoke w/ K8 in La Paz w/ iChat. Yes, spoke. I very infrequently IM at all, and since I don't have a webcam, I didn't considered that I could voicechat. Well, the new iChat update supports voicechat. The coolest thing? Seems the PowerBook has a built-in microphone. I had headphones on, talking into thin air. The sound quality was pretty good, too.

UPDATE: Finished grading at 11:59pm. I was kind, but very disappointed. Time for my brief spiel on the beauty of the English language, Strunk & White, and the importance of proof-reading. Sigh.

Posted by Miguel at 10:03 PM


Prrof-reading.. yes. I need to bring a tape recorder to class so I won't have to repeat instructions like, "Don't forget to spell-check", "Write your full name on the paper"...

Posted by: Stephanie at September 27, 2004 06:29 AM