Debate in 40 mins


Less than an hour to go before the first presidential debate. This'll probably be the moment of truth for me. It's Kerry's chance to avoid nuance & shoot from the hip. It's Bush's chance to overcome low expectations. We'll see.

There'll be a showing at The Rocket Star, so I'm headed down there. I'm really interested in seeing it w/ a public crowd, since politics should (on some level) be a public activity. But I'm always apprehensive about levels of civility. We'll see.

UPDATE: I won't, but many will liveblog the debate, including Vodkapundit. There's a livechat hosted by Command Post. And I'm sure there'll be many post-debate critiques from both sides of the aisle at WatchBlog.

Posted by Miguel at 08:20 PM


Did you catch the reference of the role of bloggers in this debate? The people from CNN mentioned that bloggers will pick up live every contradiction there is gonna be by either candidate. So live-blogging will just do that.

Posted by: Melli at September 30, 2004 09:19 PM