Robot v. boy


Dick Cheney's clearly not human, but a cyborg. How else can he keep bringing up obscure facts & voting records about Kerry & Edwards. It's just painful to watch — reducing Edwards to "well, you're a liar" responses & other red herrings. Sometimes he mentions "we have a plan" — followed quickly by "but first let me say this". I really hope to hear something about this plan before November. I keep hearing how good it is. Maybe they're putting the finishing touches on it? Focus group testing it? Maybe there'll be a gran unveiling gala w/ lots of "ooh!" & "aah!" & paparazzi?

Overall, watching the debate was like watching a stodgy headmaster scold an absentee student. Clearest example? When Cheney, pointing out Edwards' senate attendance record, just says: "I'm president of the senate, I preside over sessions. The first time we met was tonight." Yikes. You could even see Edwards sink into his chair.

Kerry clearly beat Bush in the debate. But Edwards is just having a meltdown. He keeps interrupting, he answers previous questions rather than new ones, he's stumbling over words. He's like the Democrat's Dan Quayle. Other things in common w/ the 80s pretty boy? Strongly support of Israel's right (and duty) to defend itself & the conviction that marriage is "between a man & a woman" — but that it's not an important issue.

He's even whiffing the softballs. The moderator asked a question about flip flops that ended w/ "what's wrong w/ a little flip flop" (i.e. changing views after consideration)? A perfect chance to talk about growth, nuance, flexibility, or anything. Instead? "We're not flip floppers, they're flip floppers!" Sheesh. Even the moderator's getting visibly irritated w/ him.

As clearly as Kerry beat Bush in their first debate, Cheney beat Edwards. Solidly. While the current VP seemed statesmanlike & measured, the blonde boy wonder just seemed, well, boyish. And why does he remind me so much of Lionel Hutz?

I'm sorry if I seem overly harsh. But I was certainly hoping for more from Edwards.

Posted by Miguel at 10:43 PM


"I'm president of the senate, I preside over sessions. The first time we met was tonight."

>> I'm nominating this line as the best debate "zinger" to date. I heard people all over the U.S. leaning back into their couches and recliners saying, "Damn!" or "OOOOohhh!" or "Aw, snap!"

I didn't think Edwards performed that badly, however, particularly considering the political experience his opponant brought to the table. I'm not disappointed. I'm not ready to say that he lost the debate, either.

But[.] Cheney's zinger should win the zinger prize.

Posted by: T'su Rii [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 5, 2004 10:47 PM

If people argued the debate Bush - Kerry was boring, then I do not know what they say about this one. This one was not a bit informative, it was just finger pointing "you do this wrong" "you do that wrong". I lost focus on it soon after.

Didn't like Edwards' interrupting (didn't like Bush's irritation either), didn't like Cheney's coldness. Sometimes he seemed to stoic. Especially on gay marriage. I got the feeling he was saying "I do not like the stance Bush puts forwards, but he's the president, I am the running mate, so I support it." Not a good debate. Can't tell you who won, but am inclined to agree with you that it was Cheney, not on contents, but simply on how he handled the debate.

Posted by: Melli at October 5, 2004 11:38 PM

What's zinger, Tom? Anyway, it's amazing that it looks like we watched the same debate (you can see my outsider comments on my site). Basically, I also think Cheney won big time and with all of your comments. Now that's amazing, isn't it? N.

Posted by: Nenad at October 6, 2004 12:03 AM

I saw the debate completely different (thank god for CNN). I am not a huge fan of Kerry and at times, I have to yell at the TV, "are you *trying* to lose this thing?"

Edwards, on the other hand, clearly spelled out where the Bush administration went wrong. Iraq and Afghanistan are not these hugely successful situations that the Bush admin wants us to believe. If we would have let the inspectors a bit more time to find out what we know now, then we would not have lost 1000 U.S. lives and countless Iraqi lives. There was no link between Saddam and 9/11. The Bush administration lost sight of who actually attacked us and let the warlords find OBL.

Cheney was awful, he seemed grumpy and annoyed that *anyone* would dare question him.

I am definitely voting for Kerry, because of Edwards..instead of before, voting for Kerry because he is not Bush.

Posted by: eduardo at October 6, 2004 03:07 PM

Well, I saw the debate on ABC (the Kerry/Bush one on NBC). And while I appreciate that you liked the content of what Edwards said, I think his style lost him the debate in my eyes.

As for the Iraq & al Qaeda thing. I think both campaigns are talking past each other, and I fault the GOP for not better selling the idea. The Dems see this as a war on al Qaeda, not a war on terror (in a broader sense). The issue's not so much that Iraq had some shady connections to al Qaeda & 9/11 specifically, but that it had ties to other terrorist groups. To me, this isn't a war against ONE terrorist group; it's a war against the use of terror & states that sponsor them. An analogy would be to declare war on crime but get mad when someone focuses on criminals other than Al Capone.

Posted by: Miguel [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 6, 2004 03:17 PM