

Entered my first Swiss-system chess tournament. And it was a disaster. I should've woken up earlier, taken a shower, or something. My first match — playing white against Dan — ended in an embarrassing 5 minutes. I tried a new opening, and was shut down after a half dozen moves, w/ no pieces exchanged. Doh!

Played my second match as black in a more orthodox style, w/ an avalanche of pawns locking down huge sections of the board & constricting my opponent inside his last three ranks. And since he castled kingside, I just pressed that side until I won.

Feeling pretty proud of myself, I went into my third & final match. For some reason, I was paired against Dan again, playing white again. This time, it was a closer match. But Dan's a weaseler, such a weaseler. I was up material, and pressing the advantage. Somehow, I end up w/ a knight & half dozen pawns against his rook. And he checkmates me.

Still, a fun experience. There were a dozen people, at a $5 entry fee. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday midday.

Posted by Miguel at 02:13 PM


I will weasel you!

Posted by: dan at October 10, 2004 12:34 AM