WMU Homecoming Weekend


So busy today, I was hardly online. Well, except for the occasional peek from my Treo.

My brother Sam was in town, and we met up at Waldo's, supposedly for the big homecoming game. We mostly just milled about looking for some of Sam's friends from his Western days (he's an alumnus), before heading out to Bilbo's to meet some Betas for pool, before heading out together to Mi Ranchito for dinner. It was great to see Sam, and spend some time w/ some guys I rarely see — even if it meant being beaten at pool by a legally blind Indian.

The rain prevented watching a football game. Although I'm not sure anyone wanted to see the game, after losing their last four games (one by 63-0). Not that I much enjoy watching American football, even if it's not raining.

But I went to the night's WMU hockey game w/ Bay & Nick — and Bay's brother (Ran) & their dad. It was a lot more fun than a football game. And not just because I enjoy hockey, that weird blend of grace & violence. But also because the Bronco fans are just insanely, over-the-top mean to guest teams.

They turn their back, in crushing silence, when the other team enters the ice. They roar, waving to opposing players who're sent to the penalty box, ended w/ joint-unison chant of "See ya, bitch!" when he sits down. And then, these hundreds of fans yell out "Hey (insert name here), you suck! Cheater!" all at once, before individuals start heckling them. Stuff like that. Bay excitedly explained how other schools hate playing here because Bronco fans have the reputation of being the meanest fans around. And it's organized meanness.

Didn't do much difference in, in the end. Broncos lost to Alaska Fairbanks, 5-3.

Posted by Miguel at 03:51 AM


"even if it meant being beaten at pool by a legally blind Indian" - hahahahahahahahahahah, thx, hahahahaha, N.

Posted by: Nenad at October 17, 2004 09:02 AM