Sentenced to Bolivia


Having spent a year in Bolivia — on top of being born there & all — I can safely report that Bolivia's really not that bad. But when the United Nations decides to sentence Milosevic to jail in Bolivia (via Barrio Flores), well, you have to wonder. Why send him there? Of all the jails, in all the world, he has to be sent there? That just can't be good PR. And it's not just Milosevic (former Serbian president and genocidist), but other international human rights criminals. They want to inter them in Bolivian prisons. So. The message to international human rights abusers is: "You're going to jail ... in Bolivia." Like I said, there's no way this is good for the tourism industry.

Posted by Miguel at 02:03 PM


I say send Milosevic to a Siberian gulag, where Ivan the inevitable can turn the deposed genocidor into the cell block sock puppet.

Posted by: tom at October 21, 2004 05:28 PM