Long Friday


Long & busy day today. Worked a 6 to noon shift at The Rocket Star. Then home for a quick shower before a meeting w/ one of my dissertation advisors (she pointed me towards some literature on elite-driven identity politics dealing w/ post-transition Russia & Yugoslavia). After that, spent time w/ Dan, besting him at pool. Finally, a movie w/ Nenad & Mihaiela at campus' Little Theater.

Speaking of which, We Don't Live Here Anymore is just a painful movie to watch. None of the characters are likeable, or even adult-like. In then end, there's all this tension w/ little release. But. If you like existentialist movies, you'll probably love it.

Posted by Miguel at 09:48 PM


Yeah, it wasn't easy, but it wasn't bad. Mihaiela and I talked about it on a way back and had similar impressions of the movie. But it was like propaganda not to get married, he he. I hope you have a good and long night sleep, N.

Posted by: Nenad at October 23, 2004 08:02 AM

Do you think it's wrong that I've started judging when it's time to give you a call by when I feel as though there aren't enough moblog pics of events I attended with you? Dinner tonight at 6 or 6:30, right?

Posted by: bay at October 23, 2004 04:23 PM